Friday, May 5, 2017

House Passes ObamaCare Replacement Bill

In a fourth quarter comeback, of sorts, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act on a 217-213 vote.  As expected, not one Democrat voted for the bill as 20 nervous moderate Republicans joined the Democrats in voting no.  Just six weeks earlier the bill was pulled from the floor for lack of support, but several revisions/amendments to cover people with pre-existing conditions moved just enough Republicans into the "yes" column to get the bill into the end zone and on to the Senate

President Trump, along with VP Pence, and Speaker Paul Ryan, addressed a cheerful crowd of Republicans in the Rose Garden, saying “And this is, make no mistake, this is a repeal and replace of Obamacare.”

The Death of a Federally Mandated Tax

As the Democrats in the House frog-marched their representatives to the floor attacking the Republican plan, not one would admit that ObamaCare was a complete failure.  Indeed, the claim that ACA "was not a tax" on Americans proved to be a fabrication as Supreme Court Justice Roberts did his own revision on the "deemed policy", officially claiming it was a tax, and not a mandate, that could have over-turned the bill.

Not to be outdone, (in providing fabrications/lies), the Democrats and the Liberal Media immediately began their campaign of "winners and losers", regurgitating the CBO score from the original bill, claiming 24 million would lose their coverage, (by 2026)---14 million next year alone.

What the idiots failed to explain to their audience was the fact that most of the provisions in AHCA won't take effect until 2019, meaning 14 million will lose their coverage UNDER OBAMACARE.

The possible end/repeal of ObamaCare has ONLY passed its first phase, with the Senate now taking up the policy, and then onto the Conference Committee, long before it gets to Mr. Trump's desk.  But, make no mistake, the Democrats and their complicit anti-Trump Liberal Media will spread their lies far a wide on what the final legislation will look like.

Yet, one of the many lies made by Mr. Obama himself, may be coming to an end:

$2,500 savings per family and keeping your doctor? This is not a tax?  Your premiums will go down? Not under the nightmare of ObamaCare.

Repeal and replace?  We shall see.

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