Sunday, March 5, 2017


It only took four Trump Tweets, (early, Saturday morning of March 4th, 2017), to erupt into a firestorm across the media airwaves and the internet, when President Trump flat out accused the Obama Administration of wiretapping the Trump Towers during a Presidential Election: 

With the revelation that a sitting President---of an opposing Party---could employ the powers within his administration to investigate any Presidential Candidate reeks of the "McCarthyism", as Mr. Trump has implied.  Where, and how this "action" came about, remains to be seen.  For the record, an Obama spokesman, Kevin Lewis, said: “President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any US citizen.”

The favorite line from the Liberal Opposition Media all day Saturday and early Sunday morning has been, "NO EVIDENCE FOUND", three words not written in the annals of this same media throughout the weeks of fabricated stories promoting the idea that the Trump campaign directly colluded with Russian Government operatives to defeat Hillary Clinton.

In a methodical and systematic process, (the day after Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States), the suddenly out-of-power Democratic Party, the Washington D.C. Establishment apparatus, and a willingly complicit Alt-Left Media have mounted an unprecedented campaign to literally destroy all facets of an American Presidential Election.

The only thing that is painfully obvious is that the PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER, (a sacred tradition of this Democratic Republic), is now in serious jeopardy of breaking down.

At the conservative website The Sparta Report, writer Patrick Pulatie lays out the similarities of the potential illegal actions of the Obama Administration and the Watergate Nixon Era.

“It would appear that history is repeating itself with Wiregate. Essentially the same general parties are involved, just operating in different roles. And another Constitutional Crisis is the coming impact of Wiregate, just like with Watergate.

As the attack on President Trump continues, I expect that we will be seeing more and more similarities to Watergate. The only hope of the Democratic Party is to continue the attacks upon the President, hoping that they can damage him and force a resignation. The problem for the Democrats is that every action that they take, it generates a stronger and much more devastating response from both Trump and his supporters and that results in further loss of ground for the Dems.”  (link)

Reports of this bombshell attack can also be found at Powerline here & here.  And, the Conservative Treehouse supplies an excellent timeline of Obama's Shadow Government.

And, of course, the Obama folks are denying any and all of Trump's accusations.  (I'll provide links to their denial-denials soon). 

In the light of this "WireGate" scandal---and the search for the "burglars"---I'm reminded (by a colleague), of this certain fact: The NSA is the White House.

Much more ahead............

Update: It appears the Trump administration is going to let this "pot of stew" simmering:

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