(Editors note: This post will be a series of explanations and observations to the state of the Democratic Party, their fully backed and complicit Media, and the many factions of the liberal left, working in concert, (both out front and in the shadows), to facilitate in the total obstruction of the party currently in control of our government. Part One basically explains/frames who the immediate Opposition is, Democrats, and their unique relationship with an obsessed media resolved to resist and reject all things presented by this new government. Parts 2 & 3 will delve further into the parties’ involvement, part and partial of the left’s movement, who are working in the clandescent shadows to thwart the direction in which the country is moving, including the Establishment D.C. “government”---both Democrats and Republicans---who prefer to maintain the status quo in Washington. With advent of the new media, the battle of the minds and ideologies has never been so exposed to the pundits and political junkies of the Democratic Left, who enjoyed a majority of the Media’s output for decades---virtually unopposed. Those days are over.)
Have you noticed, (not unexpectedly), that since Hillary Clinton lost the election, the Democrats, and her fawning liberal media has an instant negative retort or derogatory statement “pre-prepared” for any and all propositions put forth by our Republican-run government?
Why doesn’t CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the anti-Trump Liberal Media just come out of the closet and admit they’re just another wing of the liberal-left resistance party?
Politically, the Democrats are boxed into their own demagoguery. For eight years, all you heard from Democrats, (and by extension, their mouthpiece media), was how Republicans refused work with President Obama, or his policies, as he attempted to swing the nation further to the left. Fast forward to today, and it’s a complete reversal. The voting base of the Democratic Party are insisting, no demanding, that every Democrat MUST RESIST with every bone in their frail bodies. Any form, or appearance of compromise, (by any Democrat), is met with the threat of immediate expulsion from the party.
The mantra of the Democratic Left is, “we must resist---at all cost”.
This, [attitude], leaves the Democratic leadership, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, in the position of an opposition party resolved to reject any and all legislation presented to the body. The consideration that a new law might benefit a majority of Americans does not matter with the left---it must be rejected outright because, well, we’re Democrats---end of story?
Well, not quite. The complicit, (and hypocritical), Liberal Media stands firmly behind the Democrats’ every move. Gleefully and with sheer delight of their liberal-left readership/viewers, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, the Alphabet Networks, (and the list goes on and on), joins in the cascade of opposition to all things Trump and the Republican Party. The Liberal Media sees no irony in their own 8-year argument that a party opposed to a liberal socialist ideology might have a credible voice, instead of becoming vilified in every publication as the enemy of the state, bordering on sedition, and deserving of their, [the Media’s], ire and admonition---toleration, civil debates and discussion be damned. Today, the Liberal Media almost condones the actions of the far left’s “right” to violently protest, destroy public property, and most importantly, put an end to the First Amendment when it does not agree with the left’s ideology.
And make no mistake, just like the Democrats, this medium is still clearly in a state of shock that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House. Three-plus months after Trump’s inauguration, this entire body are still in the denial and anger stage---with the acceptance of reality basically unattainable in the foreseeable future. To expect the Democrats or their Liberal Media to act in a rational, analytical, intelligent, (forget logical or objective), way to advance societies’ needs, ambitions, and dreams of prosperity and independence, is a delusional aberration of their intentions, and secondary to their mission, which is to control all lives under the direction of a central and socialist-minded government.
Democrats, and the established Liberal Media see themselves as the guardians of this perverted and twisted ideology---soundly rejected by the people of this nation since the advent of ObamaCare, the federally mandated instruction that the people must buy a product or face exhaustible and debilitating financial retribution.
Since the day ObamaCare was shoved down the throats of the American public, both the Democrats, and their complicit media have failed miserably to understand the veracity of an angered electorate, who have refused to comply with this sick ideology that only a central federal government knows what’s best for its people. Given the results of a series of elections, 2010, 2014, and 2016, one would think they would “get the message”. Clearly, they do not.
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