Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Purging of Obama's Government----A Transition of Power

President Trump was well aware that the "peaceful transition of power", (that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton only once claimed "it must happen in our democratic Republic"), would be a bit more difficult to complete with a shell-shocked Democrat Party and the liberal left media yet to accept reality.

Despite NO EVIDENCE, the Opposition Media, aka, the radical alt-left media is still driving their fake news mantra, insisting Mr. Trump's Campaign and the Russians defeated Hillary.  The Opposition Media's obsession could be described as a chronic schizophrenia as they continue to embarrass their profession.  Leading the way is the New York Times, the Washington Post, followed religiously by NBC and their far left cable net MSNBC, and CNN---the epitome of an obsessive "news outlet" yearning for the title of the king of propaganda news.

Meanwhile, the Schumer and Pelosi-lead Democrats are making no bones about participating in a functioning government---THEY WILL NOT.  The Party of Obstruction and disruption will not contribute to the well being of this nation or its people, and the voters will remember this fact when they go to the polls next year, proving once again they've learned nothing from the last few election cycles.

President Trump, (while putting up this opposition), has his own set of troubles still within his transitioning government. Classified material leaks coming from inside his government should be a serious concern by most Americans, but the alt-left media and most Democrats seem to relish on the borderline seditious actions.

On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys, (Obama political appointees), to resign, (a purge completely typical and uniform of all incoming Presidents), yet the alt-left opposition media, specifically the New York Times, found this action "abruptly irritating". 

"Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign"

Throughout the article, the Times obsessively uses the term abruptly, as if the move was some how out of the norm of transition governments.  It took the author 17 paragraphs to allow their readers to understand this normal procedure:

"It is not unusual for a new president to replace United States attorneys appointed by a predecessor, especially when there has been a change in which party controls the White House."

CNN jumped in on the fray with this headline and a few quotes from the indignant:

Anger mounts over handling of US attorney firings

“It is common for administrations to ask holdovers to step down, but what is less common is the abruptness of Friday's announcement.”

"The law enforcement source said it is understood that it's customary for a new administration to ask for resignations, but "you don't tell them to clean out their desks the same day effective midnight tonight. There are people traveling on official business -- are they supposed to turn into their cell phones today? Can they come into their office tomorrow to check email?" (CNN link not provided purposely)

Well shucks, most Americans and political junkies knew this "abrupt undertaking" was going to take place, but, in the minds of the Opposition Media, everything Mr. Trump does is sensationalized and "unusual".

As to the comment from CNN's "law enforcement source", yes, all government property must be turned in, no, you may not check the mail tomorrow, and yes, YOU'RE FIRED.

Trump and Sessions should also have every room these people occupied swept for bugging devices as this abrupt transition continues to purge the stench of Obama's leftovers.  

At this point, there should be nothing "peaceful" considered. 

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