If you skirt around the internet, (and the once "respected" news publications), no one gets closer to being the Political Anti-Christ (in their minds), as Donald Trump. But, let's take a look at how Mr. Trump has evolved in such a short time---as described by the maniacal press---and make no mistake, the fear and desperation in the depictions of Mr. Trump are simply getting hilarious.
Recall, when Donald Trump first announced he was throwing his hat into the presidential ring, the pundits laughed and called him and his campaign "a clown act". There was no way the public could take this Apprentice Game Show host seriously, and they brushed him aside like an NFL running-back does to a lineman in an open field. But, let's digress for a moment.
As Trump's base and polling numbers began to rise, the political pundits were amused, yet hardly concerned. He would fade away or self-implode any day now. No one could be so brash, insulting to the beltway establishment class, alienating to the political correctness society of the purist "conservative" right, and possibly survive, let alone sustain such an "indignant" campaign. Right?
With twelve state victories under his belt, (leading in the polling in Michigan and Mississippi, and Idaho for today's March 8th primaries), and just six days away from the March 15th primaries, (where the winner takes all of the delegates), the pollsters and the media pundits are in full blown panic mode. Despite what they're saying, if Trump wins both Florida and Ohio, the nomination is over.
In a Exclusive Statewide Poll was conducted by SurveyUSA from March 4-6, and released today, Trump not only leads in Florida, he beats Hillary Clinton in a general election, (according to Florida voters), and shockingly, neither Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio defeats Hillary.
For a man that's now described as Hitler, Mussolini, a xenophobic, and of course, a racist bigot, what else can the media pundits throw at him?
Howard Kurtz at Fox explains in great detail how the media pundits are doing their own impression of self-implosion in their feeble attempts to scare the public. According to these lunatics, you should be worried.
My guess is, after the 15th, The Donald will have a well-deserved message for the lamestream media, (on the left and the right) who've done such a "bang-up" job:
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